MusicNews July 30, 2022 WANTED: Musicians and market sellers Are you an aspiring local musician, ready to try your hand a spot of busking?… Bethan Love0
NewsTheatre July 30, 2022 Deck the Hall: a midwinter one-act play festival BUY TICKETS It’s been a particularly long and dreary winter: the cold seems colder, the… Bethan Love0
MusicSingersTheatre June 9, 2022 SPAT Singers are presenting their 40th anniversary dinner show this year! Because it’s a special occasion, we hope many people will come to help us celebrate… WT Love0
Theatre February 16, 2022 One Act Play Festival! Stanwell Park Arts Theatre presents “Deck the Hall” – a festive winter One Act play… WT Love0
TheatreUncategorized September 29, 2021 Make Your Mark In The Park Fund-raiser for the CWA Hall Building Project The Make your Mark in the Park drive… WT Love0
Theatre June 16, 2021 2508’s Got Talent Our first and last 2508's Got Talent night was great Thank you to everyone who… WT Love0
Singers June 12, 2021 SPAT SINGERS Singers restarts in 2022, Friday 18th February. All welcome. For more info email Rod on… Rodney Love0
MusicTheatre February 2, 2021 SPAT THEATRE PRESENTSTHE SOUND OF MUSIC Sound of Music is still on, but with the following COVID restrictions:- - Singing is… Rodney Love1
Pantomime November 22, 2020 2020 SPAT IMPROV PANTO Come along and join in our COVID improvised Panto this year. With all of… WT Love0
News August 23, 2020 SPAT 2020 AGM Friday 11 Sept 2020CWA Hall, Stanwell ParkPlease arrive at 6.45pm for a 7pm startFinish at… WT Love0