Please note that the SPAT annual membership runs from 1 Jan to 31 Dec each year. The current membership year will end on 31 Dec 2025
- $15 Individual adult
- $10 Young Person, 17yo and under
As a SPAT Member you are listed as a SPAT Volunteer. As a volunteer you:
- Can audition for a part in a production, ie, a play, SPAT Singers or SPAT Music orchestra
- Can help in any other capacity at a performance, for example, back stage, front of house, in the CWA kitchen or in any volunteer position required in the production
- Will be covered under the SPAT Volunteer Insurance Policy (full details of our ‘volunteer’ insurance policy can be read here and here)
FYI, the membership fee covers items such as our Public Liability insurance and the Volunteer Insurance premiums.
SPAT Film Society
Membership of SPAT Film is handled separately and is not part of General SPAT Membership. The opportunity to join SPAT Film Society will be made available each time we open reservations for a film screening.